Advanced Example

This page will walk through setting up a complicated job template which will utilize most of the DubMan features. This is meant to help introduce how these features can be used together for powerful results.

The goal of this template is to bulk process a series of mpeg2 videos to a final XviD video. The process involves the following: frameserve the mpeg2 video to VirtualDub, filter the video, extract the audio, normalize and compress the audio, and compress the video using a two pass XviD encoding, and bring the compressed audio back in on the second pass. Once the template is complete, this process can be done with one click with DubMan.

First, the bulk settings are chosen. For this example, the Wildcard bulk processing type will be used.

Next the first job is added. The input for this job will be the dvd2avi projects of the mpeg2 videos, which will be frameserved through AviSynth to VirtualDub. So the input is F:\input*.d2v. Next the AviSynth script is setup on the AviSynth tab. The following script is used to pass the dvd2avi input to VirtualDub (and telecide the video)

The %1 in the script will be replaced by the bulk input file. Back on the Standard tab, the output from this step is chosen, F:\filt.avi. Each time this job is executed, filt.avi will be overwritten, saving space. Then the filtering settings are loaded from a library of vcf files, and VirtualDub is chosen as the run program.

The second job takes F:\filt.avi as its input, and saves the audio out to F:\cut.wav to be processed in the next step. The settings for this step is a simple vcf which performs a direct stream copy of both the video and audio. Again, this process is run with VirtualDub.

Next, the audio is processed using the external program BeSweet. The program will be used to normalize the audio, and compress it using the LAME mp3 encoder. The command line to perform this task is complicated and reused often, so the command is saved into a batch file. The input for this task is F:\cut.wav, the output F:\comp.wav. On the Run Command tab, the following command line is used: F:\norm-comp.bat %1 %2

The next job performs the first pass of the two pass XviD encoding. It takes F:\filt.avi as its input, and F:\out*.avi as its output. The portion of the first input filename which matched the wildcard is inserted into the name of this output file. The settings is the vcf containing the first pass options.

Finally, the last job performs the second pass of the two pass XviD encoding. Again it takes F:\filt.avi as its input and F:\out*.avi as its output. In addition, the compressed audio file is loaded in on the Audio tab from F:\comp.wav. The settings is the vcf containing second pass options and direct stream copy for the audio.

That's it. The file checker is run to make sure all files were accounted for and there were no typos along the way. Hit the Run Jobs button and sit back and wait for several hours (or days...).

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